ResearchReady References

Choosing a Referee:

  • Academic Referee (preferred): A professor, tutor, advisor, or lecturer from your undergraduate course who knows you and your work well.
  • Professional Referee (if applicable): A current/former line manager, senior colleague, or project manager who can attest to your professional abilities.

Contacting Your Referee:

  1. Ask for Permission: Speak to your potential referee in advance to confirm they are willing to provide a reference. Follow up if you do not hear back within a week.
  2. Provide Information: Once they agree, give them:
    • Your full name
    • Program details
      ("Google DeepMind Research Ready Internship at University of Liverpool")
    • Copies of your application materials (CV, personal statement, etc.)
    • Reference Deadline: 28th February 2025
      Applications without a reference by this date will be withdrawn.

Submitting Referee Details:

  • Use Official Email: Provide your referee's official university or employer email address.
  • Ensure Accuracy: Double-check details for accuracy to avoid delays.


Contact the Programme Lead, Dr. Gabriella Pizzuto ( for any queries or if you need help finding a suitable referee.