Liverpool Distinguished Computer Science Lecture Series
Examining Classical Graph-Theory Problems from the Viewpoint of Formal-Verification Methods
3rd October 2018, 14:00
Ashton Lecture Theatre
Professor Orna Kupferman
Hebrew University
The talk surveys a series of works that lift the rich semantics and structure of graphs, and the experience of the formal-verication community in reasoning about them, to classical graph-theoretical problems.
Professor Orna Kupferman received her Ph.D. in 1995 from The Technion, Israel. She is a faculty member of the Computer Science Department at the Hebrew University since 1998 and a full professor since 2008. She served as the Head of the Computer Science Department in 2005-2007 and the Head of the Engineering School in 2008-2011. She was the Advisor on Gender Issues for the President of the Hebrew University in 2011-2013. She is currently the Vice Rector of the Hebrew University.
Prof. Kupferman's research area are the theoretical foundations of the formal verification and synthesis of computer systems , including automata, temporal logics, quantitative analysis, vacuity, and coverage. In particular, she is renowned for her work on the automata-theoretic approach to branching-time model checking and to synthesis. Her work on safraless decision procedures for automata on infinite words has also been highly influential.
Prof. Kupferman was awarded an ERC starting grant in 2012, and she has obtained many other highly competitive grants, including grants aiming to promote cooperation between researchers in Israel and the United States, and between researchers in Israel and Germany. She was awarded the Michael Milken Prize for long-standing Excellence in Teaching.
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